Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Packaging is the best part about Holiday Crafting

 I've been making things for my family at christmas since I was a broke little child, its become a tradition, and I love to show them my appreciation with something cute and a little painstaking. I've taken to making "homemade soap" and candy orange peels lately, but the packaging is the funnest part.

Last Year:
This soap packaging was made out of a pair of old lace tights, an insert from an old Capitol records generic insert from "M'lady Your Figure". Fastened with twine, and the tags are felt-covered fabric with a little ribbon embelishment.
This Year:

full gift set

Chocolate dipped candied orange peels - google the recipie. its super tasty and has a ton of vitamin C. Dark chocolate is the best. Mine aren't very pretty but they are delicious!

I created this quilt pattern in photoshop out of vintage fabric swatches, stole a cute box pattern on line and printed on card stock.

Honey, Orange and Goat Milk soap, with a layer of black tea.  Soap making is easy when you get the pre-made base (from Michaels) then you just melt it in a pan, stirring constantly, and add all of the lovely things you want, then pour in a flexible mold and freeze. Boom! Plastic baby food containers work great for molds.

The soap packaging is pages of some old broken up1930's Punch anthology I found at Strand. I did the labels in illustrator and printed them out on sticker paper.

Printed the quilt pattern out on stickers for fun and it made a nice last minute label to coordinate the marmalade.

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